needle VALVES are often used as adapters to inflate basketballs and
other sports balls that require air. The valve is inserted into the
ball's pump hole via the valve's long and narrow needle. When the needle
is attached to a pump, a one-way valve allows the flow of air into
and not out of the ball. Locking out a needle valve helps prevent
unwanted leakage when removing the valve from the ball, or when using a
leaky pump
Use scissors to cut off a small piece of duct tape approximately 1/4-inch wide.
Roll the tape piece into a narrow sliver with the adhesive
side facing out. Wrap this into a collar around the base of the needle
valve where it enters the ball.
Cut a similar piece of duct tape and fold it to make a very small square with the adhesive side facing out on all sides.
After you have pumped your basketball or other sports ball
to the proper pressure, place the tape square on the top of the needle
valve after you remove the needle from the pump. The duct tape on the
top of the needle and around its base will minimize leakage when you
remove the needle valve from the ball.