How to clean the needle valve on carburetor
Carburetors installed on your engine uses PLUG VALVES in the float to either stop the flow of fuel or add fuel to the float bowl. The needle valve flow control allows the carburetor to maintain the required amount of gas on the float bowl. As soon as gas runs out of the float bowl, the float moves down going to the needle valve. This motion will create an opening that will allow gas to fill the float bowl. Once gas has filled the float bowl to its required amount, the float rises and the needle will cut off the flow of gas. Once the carburetor runs out of gas, and the float bowl did not function as it should, the engine will not function as well. It can either have a hard time starting or it will totally not start at all. On the other hand, once the needle valve is not able to stop the flow of gas and filled the float bowl with too much gas, it can flood the carburetor that will make the engine malfunction with a high possibility of damaging it.