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Engine Stuck Open


Make sure the jet needle is going into the hole and make sure the throttle valve slides up and down freely. Also, make sure the retainer is holding the jet needle in place and not loose. With the throttle valve out of the carb, push your throttle lever and make sure the cable is pulling the throttle valve up and make sure the spring is pulling the throttle cable back down. If not, your throttle cable is seized. I just went out to double check a few things. I took the throttle valve apart again. When I push the throttle the spring moves back and forth freely. The needle has a slight amount a play. I am not sure how to ensure it is goingon the hole, but it appears to be.
I just noticed the choke cable is not moving freely up or down?? could this cause any issues?? Its in the not choke position.If the throttle needle valve is going all the way down in the carb, the only other thing I can think of that might be causing a problem would be a leaking carb boot. I doubt if that would cause it to run wide open, though. Maybe fast, but not wide open. Sounds like the throttle plate isn't going all the way down. Make sure the throttle stop/idle adjusting screw isn't turned in too far keeping the throttle valve from going all the way down.



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